If only I could learn to fly,
learn how to float on
the golden wind.
If only I could reach the sky,
all it should do was to
fondle my skin.
I would look down on
the different generations.
I would be still, just cry
some tears.
I would count all of
the different faces,
I would watch them, how they
rush their years.
My tears would fall down
on their dulled shadows.
My eyes would be blind
or at least wánt to be.
My hands would be screaming
to make them be anxious.
My mouth would be yelling
but it would be in vain.
And I would be focussed
on their cheerless feelings.
I would make a mistake
by resenting them
that they do not pay attention
to the world all around them,
that they never watch near
to see who is there.
And my Lord would be flying
in the heaven above me,
watching me wave
to each one I see.
And then Hé would be waving,
silently screaming:
'My child, look around,
just look up to Me!'
Then I would be looking,
around and above me,
I would see that He waved,
That He wanted me near.
But I would be scared
‘cause the flying was failing
I’d be falling down earth,
to my place right down here.
He would reach out His hand
and carry me with Him,
His heavenly wings
would hamper my fall.
He would show me the good things,
the peace and the prayers,
He would give me His safeguard,
enough for us all.
I will try to be restful
about the world underneath,
on the next time I'm dreaming
about the clouds and the sea.
I will lift up my head
to future heaven of mine,
For I knów God Himself
can teach me to fly.

'But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.'
- Isaiah 40:31
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